The new concept for the classification of the fields of science
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Philosophy of sciences, Classification of the branches of the sciences, Formal and empirical sciences, Abstract and Concrete, Deduction and Induction, Analytic and Synthetic method, Mental and Sensor learning, A prior and A posterior knowledgeAbstract
It’s become necessary to consider the general classifications of the scientific field in order to organize fundamental issues such as educational contents, methodology and evaluation. When it comes to the new concept of classification of the branches of the sciences, there are two main groups: formal sciences and empirical sciences. This does not clash with the traditional classifications of both Herbert Spencer nor Charles Sanders Pierce. It can be seen through studies that this is the most suitable classification when it comes to the basics of philosophy of sciences. Mathematics and all branches of computer sciences falls under formal sciences while other sciences fall under empirical sciences.
From a perspective of metaphysical view on the existence of all beings, formal sciences study an abstract concept system, while empirical sciences study a concrete concept system. From a perspective of epistemology, formal sciences are based on mental learning and empirical sciences are based on sensory learning. From a perspective of logic, formal sciences do analytic procedure and concludes a deduction while empirical sciences do synthetic procedure and concludes induction. From a perspective of the theory of knowledge, the outcome of formal sciences creates a priori knowledge while the outcome of empirical sciences creates a posteriori knowledge.
Монгол хэлээр:
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Гадаад хэлээр:
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