Result of Pilot Research and Implementation to Improve the Quality of Management Information Systems in Higher Educational Institutions (MSUE)
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e-learning, e-learning system, e-school, learning management systemAbstract
Nowadays, ICT have become commonplace entities in all sectors of society, especially in education. Across the past 2014 years MNUE develops LMS for Teacher Training Program. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the current situation of the LMS at MNUE, assess the needs of the users, determine the solution of the problem and seeks to explore how programs will be offered and delivered in the university of the future. In this framework, the paper introduces the outcomes of the survey where participated 1611 users and developed by the spss program: 100 lecturers, 1495 students and 16 staffs of curriculum office. When we faces difficulties we try to solve the problems: take action, adjust and improve. Despite the advantages of implementing LMS at the MNUE, the author observes that server dynamics, the number of users to access at one moment and customer awareness need to be concerned.
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