Evaluating the skills of university graduates with the participation of employees
https://doi.org/10.56380/mjer.v28.1.4Keywords :
general skills of graduates, employers , skill levelsAbstract
This study aimed to elucidate whether the skillsets possessed by university graduates align with the expectations of employers. A sample of 300 individuals, comprising directors and senior-level managers from various enterprises and organizations, actively participated in our comprehensive survey. To ensure a representative sample, we categorized survey participants into five intervals based on their enterprise's workforce size. Our questionnaire design prioritized ease of completion and utilized a multidimensional evaluation approach.
The skills of university graduates underwent evaluation through 15 indicators encompassing common competencies and essential abilities for productive employment. Subsequently, the assessment results were grouped into five intervals. We employed statistical software for data analysis and applied the weighted average method to evaluate the outcomes.
Our research focused on discerning the desired skill levels sought by employers versus the current proficiency levels of university graduates. In our findings, it became evident that there exists a general skill deficit among university graduates. Specifically, in areas such as foreign language proficiency (2.43) and creative thinking (2.88), graduates demonstrated inadequacies. However, their competencies in other areas ranged from average to commendable, with scores ranging from 3.16 to 3.97.
Consequently, to bridge this gap and align university graduate skills with employer expectations, we propose the establishment of a legal framework and economic incentives to facilitate employer involvement in shaping training programs and evaluating training quality. Collaboration initiatives between educational institutions and employers must also be prioritized. In conclusion, it is imperative to foster a more robust partnership between educational institutions and employers to enhance the relevance of university curricula and ensure that graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the job market.
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