Solutions the developing a systems view to education


  • Miyejav.I Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Khajidmaa.O Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Ukhnaa.T Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Lkhagvasure.E Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Dagva.P Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author


Keywords :

systems view, classification of educational framework, Systems-environment relationship model of education, functions/structural models of education, dynamic models of education


The purpose of this article is to identify models for improving the structure, content, and framework of education by systems view. The research methodology consisted of 2 phases: discovering the content and framework of education, and the second, improving the content. The results of the study confirmed classification of educational framework and the developing solutions of 3 models: the system-environment relationship, functions/structural and dynamic models of the education. In terms of the classification of educational, it means nano, micro, meso, macro and supra systems. Systems-environment Relationship Model of education: education system is part of a larger eco-system. Functions/structural model consists of 7 components: aim, learner, curriculum, administration-management, educational environment, and evaluation-monitoring. The dynamic model of education is the time series ranking of the above 7 components.


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