A study results of investing social impacts on budgeting at secondary education level in
https://doi.org/10.56380/mjer.v28.1.3Keywords :
funding for education, general education budget, funding social, economic effects, efficiency of the budgetAbstract
Nowadays, Mongolia has been considering to the improvement of new knowledge-based industries, contributing to development of the social, economic, and educational sectors, and developing government policies on education. In order to prepare Mongolian citizens, many quality reforms have been developed and implemented in coordination with the financing mechanism to meet the educational goals. In our country, it needs the long-term and sustainable policies and financial management are important for the comprehensive and effective implementation of the budget process, such as development, planning, operation and control of the budget for the education sector, to allow for many internal and external factors for instance, geographical features, demographic structure, problems facing the education system. Therefore, there is a need and requirement to support the provision of qualified human resources to local educational institutions by training specialized financial management and human resources (public financiers, economists, researchers) in the field of education to implement sustainable and long-term financial policies at the national and local levels. General education has financed from the state budget, and the normative cost benchmarking indicators are updated several times, so the availability of information is limited. We are based on detailed information from the National statistical commission, 1212.mn and the Ministry of Finance and Investment Department.
At this point, the education sector is including general education budget expenses and fundings which are measured by current state and local budget expenditure indicators, social effects are measured by some macroeconomic indicators, and their interrelationships are studied and evaluated based on the data and information of the last 11 years.
This article presents the results of a study that describes the relationship between the general education budget and some macro indicators of society and economy.
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