Education during natural disaster dzud-survey results
DOI : :
emergency, disaster, education, remote area, studentAbstract
Mongolia is one of the countries with the harshest climate in the world, with a short warm season lasting only two months and a long winter with temperatures below 35-40°C.
Due to the severe winter and spring climate, heavy snowfall in the provinces and soums, the workload of herding families increases dramatically, and herders' children are engaged in animal husbandry because of everyday busy schedule.
When herders experience severe weather conditions and heavy snowfall, the number of livestock reduce drastically, their family livelihood decreases, which negatively affect their psychological state, pay less attention to their children's schooling.
In this article we analyzed the legal regulations on disasters and emergencies, we aimed to clarify secondary schools’ preparedness to the risks such as, drastic drop in attendance of students during natural disasters, failure of the heating system of school buildings and dormitories, cold classrooms, shortage of drinking water, etc.
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