Parents Perception and Satisfaction Towards Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities


  • Bayasgalan.E Mongolian National Institute for Educational Institute Author
  • Tsevegmid.Ts Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Khaliun.G Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author


Keywords :

children with disability, education, satisfaction


The aim of the project was to identify parents' and guardians' understanding and satisfaction with how the issue of inclusive education is reflected in the educational policy, curriculum, methodology, learning environment, teacher development and cooperation of some schools. A total of 241 parents and guardians participated in the study. The perception of inclusive education among parents and guardians is higher in the capital than in the region. However, the level of satisfaction with the implementation of normative documents, adequacy of teaching materials, external and internal environment of the school, individual plans and training programs is below average. The article also reflects some results of the research conducted with parents within the framework of the project "Promoting learning by creating equal opportunities" commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science.


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