A Study on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Educational Institutions of All Levels


  • Tsomorlig.O Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Khaliun.G Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Myagmarjav.U Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Sarantuya.D Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Tuvshinjargal.G Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author



Keywords :

educational institutions, job satisfaction, working conditions, stress, salary


Many countries are implementing policies that provide favourable working conditions and professional development opportunities to encourage teachers. Those conditions and opportunities are essential for teachers to be satisfied with their work. Furthermore, teachers’ job satisfaction has an important effect on their professional stability and high performance. This study aims to determine the extent of teachers’ job satisfaction at all levels of educational institutions and whether there are differences between educational institutions. The data were collected through the online platform (www.esis.edu.mn) of the education sector. The 10,429 teachers (including university professors) of all levels of educational institutions participated in the survey. In addition, the data were processed using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) programs. As a result of this study, there was a statistically significant difference in teachers’ job satisfaction between educational institutions. 


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