Research results for defining the roles of administrators in pre-school and general educational organizations


  • Tuya.U Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Bayartsetseg.B Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Khaliun.G Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author
  • Enkhjargal.Kh Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research Author


Keywords :

roles, principal, director, educational organization


The research was carried out at the document level or qualitative analysis to define the roles of administrators of pre-school and general education organizations.

Opinions of pre-schools and school administrators were collected about the roles and activities defined by the administrator on Google Forms, applying the Likert scale questions, which is the equal interval response scale. After consolidating the data descriptive and correlation analysis have been conducted using SPSS27 and excel programs.

82.9 percent of total general education school directors and 89.2 percent of kindergarten principals participated in the survey, which is considered representative of the original sampling population.

Based on the research results, the roles of state-owned kindergarten and general education school administrators (principals and directors) were identified as main and general roles. See the roles below,

Main roles

Role 1.                   Management instructional activities in schools and kindergartens: Implement curriculum and extracurricular activities, develop, and implement additional programs.

Role 2.                   Human resource management: recruit and dismiss of teachers and staff, support their development, accommodate stable working conditions, and support for solving their social challenges.

Role 3.                   Student development and protection: provide opportunities for learning and development, ensuring their health and safety.

Role 4.                   Assessment and monitoring: organize monitoring and assessment, and taking measures based on its results.

Role 5.                   Financial management: allocate funds and budgets efficiently, spend, submit reporting, and declare transparently.

General roles

Role 6.                   Leadership: Take lead in any organizational activity, create a positive atmosphere and culture, and nurture effective communication

Role 7.                   Cooperation and partnership: cooperate with stakeholders of the school, nurture and support diverse cooperations.

Role 8.                   Digital transformation in education:   General roles include leadership, implementation of cooperation and partnership, and taking leads in organizing digital transformation in education. Also, in accordance with the digital transformation policy in development and education sector of Mongolia, the role of leading and organizing the digital transformation is included in General Roles.


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