Analyzing the purpose of education in mongolia from value- orientation system: On the example of the education laws of 2002 and 2023


  • Үүрцайх, Э. Mongolian State University of Education Author


Keywords :

Law of education, Goals, Fundamental values, Declaration of agreement


Mongolians have long been based on their own unique national values, such as polity, history, culture, and education. An example of the loss of the nation’s value system in legal documents is the issue of goals in education law. Since the purpose of the education law is to determine the future development of the country, it is important to compare the goals and values of the new law with the goals of the previous law to determine the future development of the country. Therefore, in this study, the provisions defining the goals of the Law on Education (2002), the Law on Elementary and Secondary Education, and the General Law on Education, which was newly approved in 2023 and is currently in force, and the Law on Preschool and General Education were studied. Looking at the results of the comparative analysis of the provisions defining the purpose of the above laws, the categories included in the provisions of the law can be divided into two categories: values (roots) and declarations and principles.
In the context of policy studies, values are calculated based on UNESCO’s sustainable development education methodology. According to the results of the comparative content analysis, the goals of the education laws (2002/2023) should reflect the common values and declarations of humanity, and there is a need to include national and fundamental values in the law. 


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