Characterizing Dulam Dashjamts’ research works on education, pedagogy and morality
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Pedagogy, Morality, Society, EducationAbstract
Professor Dulamiin Dashajmats was one of the 20th century's most prominent figures in Mongolian philosophy, morality, and education. His groundbreaking work significantly advanced the understanding and development of philosophical and ethical thought in Mongolia, seamlessly integrating traditional Mongolian perspectives with broader intellectual movements of his time. During the socialist era in Mongolia, Professor Dashajmats taught philosophy, ethics, and history, educating four generations of students and profoundly shaping the intellectual and moral landscape of the nation. His teachings laid a robust foundation for critical thinking and ethical reasoning, helping to define Mongolia's academic and moral traditions.
Thus, this presentation delves into his profound works on education and morality, which remain deeply relevant today. They offer insightful perspectives on the dynamic interplay between ethics, education, and cultural heritage. As a scholar, Professor Dashajmats's legacy continues to endure in the realms of education and moral philosophy. His contributions serve as a timeless reminder of the transformative power of intellectual and ethical inquiry in shaping both individual character and societal progress.
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Гүн ухаан нийгмийн сэтгэлгээ 2000/
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